Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Day One - Caching Camp Weed

Congratulations to Jester! and Marsh Bunny on finding the Bonus cache. The correct answers to the questions leading to the were Bill Clinton, clock, Rubicon, L attitude, 38th, and 0.

I believe everyone struggled with Question 2, choosing sextant over clock. The sextant was a navigational tool that had been around for many years before there was an accurate clock, and without an accurate clock, the sextant is inaccurate as well. A sextant determines the angle of the sun in the sky, but without a clock to fix time, knowing where the sun is doesn't tell you where you are. Only with an accurate clock providing a fixed time for a fixed location could you then translate the position of the sun into longitude.

Many Hostelers were able to find all the caches in Camp Weed and many found their first published cache, Camp Weed, located at the entrance. Once we all have geocaching identities set up on geocaching.com, be sure to log this cache.

I hope everyone enjoyed the Geowoodstock 5 video. This years event, Geowoodstock 6, is already scheduled for Memorial Day weekend near Sacramento, California.

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